Beginning Literacy – Students will engage in age appropriate literature activities that will help them understand how written language is used in everyday life experiences.

  • Visual and auditory discrimination of the alphabet

  • Left to right sequencing and progression

  • Sound -letter symbol recognition

  • Rhyming and repetition

  • Receptive and expressive language is enhanced through nursery rhymes, songs, finger play, poetry, circle time and show and tell.

Math – Students will begin to develop a sense of math all around them. They will notice and use numbers and math concepts to explore their world.

  • Colors and shapes

  • Comparing and contrasting

  • Number recognition and counting

Social Studies – Students will develop their first sense of community outside the home. This happens as they begin to make friends and participate in decision making in the classroom. Then it moves beyond the school into the surrounding neighborhood and around the world.

  • Self- help skills

  • Self-awareness while exploring similarities and differences amongst others

  • Roles in a community

  • Holidays

Science- Students will develop a knowledge of his/her living and non-living environment.

  • Weather and seasons

  • Living vs non-living

  • Individualized class themes (ie: farm, ocean, animals from different climates…)

  • Cooking

Fine and Gross Motor Skills – Students will progress through developmental motor sequences at their own pace. This involves all types of movement.

  • Arts & crafts enhances creativity (drawing, coloring, pasting, cutting and painting…)

  • Writing

  • Playdough

  • Manipulatives (buttons, snaps, zippers, beading, weaving …)

  • Gym/ recess

  • Dance


  • Students will develop and appreciation and responsiveness to music, improve listening skills and rhythm.